Things to Do
Poems--A Dozen Roses
                                      Journey of Hearts
                                       A Healing Place in CyberSpace TM
 This poem was sent to me as an e-mail greeting from a friend. The sentiment was so heartfelt that I decided to convert the message into an on-line floral cheer. Here, with more than a dozen roses, is a way to pass on this poem to others and brighten up someone else's day.
--<--<--({@  A Dozen Roses @})-->-->--
Author Unknown
I got a dozen roses 
From a friend the other day: 
But I only have one left, 
For I gave them all away. 

I gave one to my sister, 
Who to me is very dear, 
In hopes that it will bring to her 
A little floral cheer. 

I took one to a friend 
Who's not feeling very well: 
The flower or the visit 
Which helped more I could not tell. 

One went to a friend 
I haven't known for very long. 
She struggles, so in some small way 
I hope this helps her carry on. 

The rest went to the ones 
Who've helped me in so many ways; 
They have been a cheerful presence 
On my very dreary days. 

The Roses were so pretty 
I just could not keep them all, 
Except one single bud  
Standing beautiful and tall. 

My friend gave me the flowers  
To help brighten up my day, 
But the biggest joy I received 
Was in giving them away. 

Nothing warms the heart like a smile!
Please share this page of Flowers with a friend 
and Have a Wonderful Day!
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Last updated May 12, 1998
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