Condolence and Sympathy
Songs - My Love
Journey of Hearts 
A Healing Place in CyberSpaceTM
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
What can be said about the loss of Linda McCartney to Breast Cancer at too young an age. Now more that a year later, it is a reminder that too many women continue to die, from this disease. 
This page is dedicated to all those lost to breast cancer, to those they leave behind, and as a reminder for all women to remember to follow the guidelines. 
In Memory of Linda Louise EastmanMcCartney
September 24, 1941 - April 17, 1998
    "Finally, I said to her:  

    "You're up on your beautiful Appaloosa stallion. It's a fine spring day. 
    We're riding through the woods. The bluebells are all out, and the sky is clear blue.''  

    I had barely got to the end of the sentence,  
    when she closed her eyes, and gently slipped away." 

My Love
Paul McCartney 
    And When I Go Away 
    I Know My Heart Can Stay With My Love 
    It's Understood 
    It's In The Hands Of My Love 
    And My Love Does It Good 
    My Love Does It Good 

    And When The Cupboards Bare 
    I'll Still Find Something There With My Love 
    It's Understood 
    It's Everywhere With My Love 
    And My Love Does It Good 
    My Love Does It Good 

    I Love Oh Wo......My Love 
    Only My Love Holds The Other Key To Me 
    Oh....My Love Oh...My Love 

    Only My Love Does It Good To Me 

 Copyright © MPL Communications 
~In memory of Breda~
This message that we received last spring, touched my heart and also let me realize the impact that we could have with a website...being able to reach someone across the ocean in another country and help to ease their pain. 
    Thanks for putting up such a beautiful site.  
    My wife died last month, aged 36, from breast cancer.  
    I have been wandering through the web, searching for something - I didn't know what until I hit your site last night. There I found peace and tranquillity. I felt as if I was walking through a flower-filled garden at sunset. "Fly" by Celine Dion was on auto-repeat on my CD player - The last piece of music we played as her remains were carried out of the church by  myself and her three brothers.  
    Your site eased a broken heart and lifted a fallen spirit. I left feeling refreshed and slept peacefully - thank you!  
    The 21st of April will be our third wedding anniversary - I shall return then and wander once more.  
    Sincere Thanks  
    Gerry , Ireland 
    This page is also dedicated in memory of Breda, who lost her fight in Ireland at the young age of 36 and to another husband who is trying to make it without "My Love." 
Doing Something to Prevent Breast Cancer 
  • Learn how and then remember to do Monthly Breast Self Exam  
    • Monthly self breast examinations allow for a person to familiarize herself with what is normal for her breasts. This will make it easier to detect any changes. If you are unsure how to perform the examination, check with your health care provider. 
      A monthly breast self exam is not a substitute for regular screening mammograms. 
  • Have Yearly Clinical Breast Examinations  
    • A clinical breast examination is one performed at a yearly physical visit as part of a routine physical examination, performed by a doctor or nurse. 
  • Have Regular Mammograms 
    • Recommendations on this are still varied, depending on age.  
        Every woman over 40 should get a yearly mammogram. 
        Many feel that women should have a baseline mammogram at age 35. 
        If you are between 35 and 40 check with your physician for recommendations.
      A yearly screening mammogram is not a substitute for monthly breast self exams.
  • Show your Support with the Breast Cancer Stamp
    • The Breast Cancer Stamp was a precedent setting stamp. for the First time, the stamp was priced above the cost of a regular first class stamp, the additional moneys raised by the purchase of the stamp fund Breast Cancer Research. The idea for the stamp to raise funds for breast cancer was the effort of a California Physician, Dr. Ernie Bodai who went to his Congressman, Congressman Vic Fazio with the idea for a breast cancer stamp. In 1997 the Stamp Out Breast Cancer Act was passed stipulating that the funds raised go to support research at the National Institutes of Health and the Defense Department's Medical Research Program. Thus far over $ million has been raised through sales of the Breast Cancer Stamp. A total of $ 16 million is expected to be raised. 
      The current version features a line drawing of a woman ready to draw a quiver, with The current version features a black line drawing of a female figure reasy to draw a quiver, suggesting a "goddess of the hunt or fight." The slogan "Fund the fight. Find a cure" appear to flow left to right across the stamp in a clockwise, circular pattern, outlining where the figure's right breast would be. The stamp was designed by Ethel Kessler of Bethesda, Md., and illustrated by Whitney Sherman of Baltimore. Kessler is a survivor of breast cancer.

    In recognition of the importance of music to help people to heal, we have aligned ourselves with CDNow for those who might be interested in ordering some of music mentioned on this website, we have aligned ourselves with CDNow to be able to provide this service from the comfort of your computer.

    Last updated October 12, 1999
    This site will receive a small portion of all sales from  music CD's on this site. Any income generated from the sale of  CD's will be used to maintain, expand and promote The Journey of Hearts A Healing Place in CyberSpace.
    All material, unless otherwise specified, is copyrighted 1997-9 by Journey of Hearts A Healing Place in CyberSpace. We invite you to share the information on this site with others who may benefit, but ask that you share from the heart only and not for profit.
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